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Weile Fuhuo Anlian De Shi Zun Wo Bei Po Kaile Hougong
为了复活暗恋的师尊我被迫开了后宫 / Wèile Fùhuó Ànliàn De Shī Zūn Wǒ Bèi Pò Kāile Hòugōng / I Was Forced to Open a Harem to Resurrect the Master I Had a Crush on
Zhinüxing Dongman (织女星动漫)
Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,Martial Arts,Romance
The Weird Relationship Between a Twisted Angel and a Gloomy Devil
The Strange Relationship of a Twisted Angel and a Gloomy Demon / Yuganda tenshi to utsuutsu taru akuma no bimyou na kankei. / ความสัมพันธ์อันแปลกประหลาดของเทวดาวิปริตกับปีศาจที่มืดมน / 歪んだ天使と鬱々たる悪魔の微妙な関係。
kuze gaku
The Outcast
一人之下 / Yi Ren Zhi Xia / Under One Person, Hitori no Shita, Weirdo
Man Tang Dong / 动 漫堂 / Er Mi / 米 二 / Tencent Animation
🇨🇳Action,Mystery,Drama,Martial Arts,Super Power,Supernatural
Life Going Wild With Plug-ins
Dai Gua Xi Tong Zui Wei Zhi Ming / Dai Gua Zhuang Bi Zui Wei Zhi Ming / 带挂系统最为致命 / 带挂装逼,最为致命
shi zi qing / hui shou er yi / old master carp
Sinister immortal path
Weird Immortal Path / 诡浊仙道
Thrush Animation
37🇨🇳Manhua,Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Horror,Martial Arts,Full Color,Supernatural
I Was Talking About Masturbation With My Friends and Ended Up Actually Crossing the Line
I Was Talking About Masturbation With My Friends and Ended Up Actually Crossing the Line / 友達とオナニーの話してたら実質一線超えちゃった話 / Tomodachi to Onanie no Hanashitetara Jisshitsu Issen Koechatta Hanashi
Uchi No Maid Ni Seiheki Yugameraremashita
I Got Weird Thoughts Because Of My Maid / うちのメイドに性癖歪められました
Shijijii Sani / Sani Syzygy
Boss Makes The Boy Group’S Center Of Me
I Rely on the Boss to Hold the C Position in the Men’s Team /Wo Kao Da Lao Wen Zhu Nan Tuan c Wei / Wǒ Kào Dà Lǎo Wěn Zhù Nán Tuán c Wèi 我靠大佬稳住男团c位 / 我靠大佬稳住男团c位
郑九川 / 阅文漫画
Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,Romance
The Master Of Martial Arts Retired Life
武林之王的退隐生活, Martial King's Retired Life
Wei Zao Guan / Lee Tai Bai
1Shounen(B),Adult,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Martial Arts
I Was Found Pretending To Be A Rookie In The Strange World?!
I Was Found Out in the Other World Pretending to Be a Rookie?! / I Was Found Out Pretending to Be a Rookie in a Paranormal World?! / I Was Found Out Pretending to Be a Rookie in the Another World?! / I Was Found Pretending to Be a Rookie in the Strange World?! / Wǒ Zài Guǐyì Shìjiè Wèizhuāng Càiniǎo Pī Fà Xiàn Le?! / 我在诡异世界伪装菜鸟被发现了?!
Boom工作室 / 哔哩哔哩漫画
Manhua,Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Isekai
The Favored Consort Is A Man
The Favored Consort Is A Man / 专宠贵妃是男人 / 就宴承欢
Juwei Studio
My Nine Wives Told Me Not To Be Afraid
My Nine wives told me not to be afraid / Shi Niang, Qing Zi Zhong / Nine Female Teachers Told Me Not to Be Scared / Jiǔ Wèi Shī Niáng Jiào Wǒ Bié Sǒng / 九位师娘叫我别怂 / 师娘,请自重
14Manhua,Action,Harem,Martial Arts
Martial King's Retired LIfe
lee tai bai / martial king's retired life 115 / wei zao guan
12Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Martial Arts
The Lady is the Future Tyrant
The Lady is the Future Tyrant / My Wife Is Actually the Future Tyrannical Empress / Niángzǐ Jìng Shì Wèilái Bàojūn Nǚdì / 娘子竟是未来暴君女帝
Manhui Xinfeng (漫绘新风)
314🇨🇳Webtoon,Romance,Fantasy,Full Color
Overnourished / 营养过良, Ying Yang Guo Liang
Jeicai Huhu and Zhang Wei Wenxue / Manyuan Wenhua
🇨🇳Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Animals,Romance,Drama,School Life,Supernatural,Full Color
Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist-
怪病医ラムネ / Kai Byoui Ramune / Monster Doctor Ramune, The Doctor of Weird Sickness
Magazine pocket / Toro Aho / 阿呆 トロ
Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru?
¿Cuántos kilos puedes levantar? / Can Weightlifting Be Popular? / Combien de kilos d'haltère tu peux soulever ? / How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift? / How Many Kilos Are the Dumbbells You Lift? / Ile kilosów na hantlach wyciskasz? / Quantos kilos você pode levantar com halteres? / Насколько тяжелые гантели ты сможешь поднять? / ダンベル何キロ持てる? / 덤벨 몇 킬로까지 들 수 있어?
Sandrovich Yabako / MAAM
🇯🇵Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,School Life,Slice of Life,Sports
Why Is The Male Lead Seducing Me
Nan Zhu Weihe Gouyin Wo / Why Did the Male Lead Seduce Me? / Why is the Male Lead Seducing Me / Nán Zhǔ Wèihé Gōuyǐn Wǒ / 男主为何勾引我
Two Cats / 两只猫 / 猫橘工作室
Yaoi(BL),Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts,Romance,Shounen ai
Because I’m An Uncle who Runs A Weapon Shop
Because I’m An Uncle who Runs A Weapon Shop ; Weapon Shop Uncle ; Yinwei wo Shikai Wuqidian de Dashu ; Yinwei Wo Shi Kai Wuqi Dian De Dashu ; Because I'm a Weapon Shop Uncle
Man Tian Xing Hua / Sf Light Novels / Xue Po
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei!
Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ ツヴァイ! / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha x Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Comp Ace / Hiroshi Hiroyama / ひろやま ひろし / KALMIA
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei!
Fate/Kaleid liner Prism ☆ Illya 2wei! / Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Zwei / Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Zwei!
hiroyama hiroshi / type-moon
It’s Just Fortune-Telling. How Did the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor Become My Wife?
It’s Just Fortune-Telling. How Did the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor Become My Wife? / 算命而已,九尾妖帝怎么就成我娘子了?! / chỉ là bói toán mà thôi cửu vĩ yêu đế sao lại thành nương tử ta / Suanming Eryi, Jiu Wei Yao Di Zenme Jiu Cheng Wo Niangzile?
Overly Ferocious Of Being Cautious
Yinwei Jinshen Er Guofen Xionghen / Bởi Vì Cẩn Thận Mà Quá Phận Hung Ác / Overly Ferocious of Being Cautious / Overly Vicious Because of Prudence / Yīnwèi Jǐnshèn Ér Guòfèn Xiōnghěn / 因为谨慎而过分凶狠
夜来风雨声丶 / 番茄漫画
I Transmigrated To Demon King Of Harem?
I Transmigrated Into Demon King of Harem? / Lady Saint, Please Stop Your Weird Tricks! / Lady Saintess, Please Stop Your Weird Imaginations! / Sheng Nv Xiaojie Qing Tingzhi Ni De Qiguai Nao Bu! / Shèng Nǚ Xiǎojiě Qǐng Tíngzhǐ Nǐ De Qíguài Nǎo Bǔ! / 圣女小姐请停止你的奇怪脑补!
Boom工作室 / 二三玖陆工作室
I’m a Human, but More So a Vampire
I’m a Human, but More So a Vampire / 我是人类,更是吸血鬼
Yao Wei
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha: Comic Anthology
まおゆう魔王勇者 コミックアンソロジー / Archenemy and Hero: The Comic Anthology, Maou-sama Genryou Keikaku, The Demon Queen Weight Loss Plan
Sora Inoue / いのうえ 空 / Kenji Yamamoto / 山本 賢治 / Shiori Teshirogi / 手代木 史織 / Cool-kyou Shinja / クール教信者 / Cool Kyoushinsha / Cool Kyoushinja / Coolkyou Shinjya / Coolkyoushinja / 来木 要 / Kaname Raigi / Yasuyuki Nekoi / 猫井 ヤスユキ / Mii Nekoi / 猫井 ミィ / Yuu Minamoto / みなもと 悠 / Minamoto You / Shuu Hirose / 廣瀬 周 / Hiroki Haruse / 晴瀬 ひろき / Awabako / あわ箱 / D.P / Tetsuya Kobayashi / コバヤシ テツヤ / Seishirou Matsuri / マツリ セイシロウ / Nerisuke / undefined ねりすけ / Kiku Sugawara / 菅原 キク / Reona Umitsuki / 海月 れおな / Ryo Nakatomi / 中臣 亮
Her Highness Is Mighty
The Queen Is Mighty / Wangfei Hao Weiwu / 王妃好威武
wuhan jiangjing haiqi animation co
Manga de Wakaru! Magic Story
Learning with Manga! Magic Story / マンガで分かる!Magic Story
Mayuko Wakatsuki, Greg Weisman / Anoa Design
Weiss Kreuz
An Assassin and White Shaman / Knight Hunters / Weiß Kreuz / White Cross
koyasu takehito / tsuchiya kyouko
Amazing Agent Jennifer
christina weir / nunzio defilippis / kriss sison