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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! -  Sunny Day For Girls (Doujinshi)

Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Sunny Day For Girls (Doujinshi)

(Motenaishi Sokubaikai Suru 4) Sunny Day For Girls (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!) / (モテないし即売会する4) サニーデイフォーガールズ (私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!)
orikuchi hirata / surface tension (circle)
Chapter 0
An Affluent Family's Expensive Ex-wife

An Affluent Family's Expensive Ex-wife

An Affluent Family's Expensive Ex-wife / 豪门天价前妻
Marui Maru
🇨🇳Webtoon,Romance,Full Color
Vol.0 Ch.180
Tian Mei De Yao Hen

Tian Mei De Yao Hen

甜美的咬痕 / Sweet Bite
rui si / yi kai / tian mei de yao hen 49
Nekogurui Minako-san

Nekogurui Minako-san

ねこぐるい美奈子さん / Cat crazy Minako-san
Tonari no Young Jump / Sin Aoki / 青稀 シン
🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life
Kindan no Koibito

Kindan no Koibito

禁断の恋人 / Simple Kiss, Guru Guru Pon-chan: Okawari, Akarui Mirai to Sensei, Goodbye, Friend, Kimi ni Tsugu, Betsufure Love Collection
Satomi Ikezawa / 池沢 理美 / Ayu Watanabe / 渡辺 あゆ / Fuyu Kumaoka / 熊岡 冬夕 / Ishiko / ヒサオ / Hisao / Maki Miyoshi / 三次 マキ
I Don't Want To Be Your Cruising Partner

I Don't Want To Be Your Cruising Partner

Hanao Akiyama
Chapter 15
Tianmei de Yaohen

Tianmei de Yaohen

甜美的咬痕 / Sweet Bite Marks, A Sweet Bite
Yi Kai / 伊凯 / 伊凯saar / Rui Si / 锐思 / Kuaikan Manhua
Chapter 194
Moto Azadarake No Kanojo Ga Shinpai De (Fan Colored)

Moto Azadarake No Kanojo Ga Shinpai De (Fan Colored)

I'm Worried About My Girlfriend, Who Used to be Covered in Bruises (Fan Colored) / 元 痣だらけの彼女が心配で (Fan Colored) / Martwię Się o Moją Dziewczynę, Która Była Kiedyś Pokryta w Bliznach (Fan Colored) / Я беспокоюсь о своей девушке, которая раньше была вся в синяках (Fan Colored) / Eskiden Bandajlarla Kaplanmış Olan Sevgilim Hakkında Endileşeniyorum (Fan Colored)
Kuga Tsuniya
Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 9
Okashi Na Akuyaku Reijou Wa Botsurakugo Ni Amatou No Ouji Ni Karamareru You Ni Narimashita

Okashi Na Akuyaku Reijou Wa Botsurakugo Ni Amatou No Ouji Ni Karamareru You Ni Narimashita

お菓子な悪役令嬢は没落後に甘党の王子に絡まれるようになりました / Okashi na Akuyaku Reijou wa Botsurakugo ni Amatou no Ouji ni Karamareru you ni narimashita / The Patissier Villainess Got Involved with the Sweet-Toothed Prince after Falling into Ruin
Fuyutsuki Kouki
Chapter 4.2
Ishu Renai Monogatarishuu

Ishu Renai Monogatarishuu

Aqua Terrarium / Aru Kakan no Omoide / Boku wa Kabutomushi / CLAYTURE / Cotton no Mahou / Curry no Iu Toori! / Daisy, Mata Ashita. / Definisi / Futari Issho ni Milk no Hibi / Hijoushoku to Gochisou. / Jingai-san no Yome: Tsuchikiyose Tetsushi no Kekkon / Jingai-san no Yome: Tsukieda Yoshino no Kekkon / Kanojo ga Hoshii Mono / Kimi to no Nenrin / Kinchou suru to Koe ga Uragaeru Sakana no Hanashi / Koi wa Bouken / Kuroyagi no Ochakai / Love Stories Between Different Species / Magnolia (SUMIYOSHI Ryo) / Majo no Naritachi / Majo no Suu to Chiisana Mandragora / Mayonaka no Waltz / Mokuren / Naminami Kitsune / Nanoka no Tenshi / Olivia to Gryphon / Onna Kishi-san wa Ookami-san ni Umoretai / Ookami Ningen to Ningen Ookami. / Owari made / Scrambled Eggs / Sekai no Sumi no Operetta / Sensei to Onjin-san / Shiraito no En / Shiro no Ousama. / Shoujo to Cyborg / Slime ga xx ni Naritasou ni Kochira wo Ikaryaku / Sukoyaka naru Toki mo, Yameru Toki mo, Dragon naru Toki mo / Tokage Hime / Uzumaki Cosmo to Manager / Warui Majo no Shiwaza / Watashi to, Ie / 异种恋爱物语集 / 木蓮 / 異種恋愛物語集 / 魔本のはなし / 龍愛でる男
Vol.5 Ch.8
A Bitter Fruit

A Bitter Fruit

苦い果実 / Nigai Kajitsu / Dark Passion, BLUE PERIOD
Reijin / Shiuko Kano / 鹿乃 しうこ
Vol.1 Ch.4
May God Bless Your Demise

May God Bless Your Demise

God Bless Your Ruin / God's Blessings on Your Ruin / 당신의 파멸에 신의 축복을
Chapter 55
Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit

楽園 / Rakuen / Paradise
Feel Young / Kaoru Fujiwara / 藤原 薫
Vol.1 Ch.4
River God Seeks Adoption

River God Seeks Adoption

河神大人求收养 / River God Adult Seeks Adoption
rui si / ruisi / yi kai / yikai / river god seeks adoption 67
Drama,Supernatural,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 67: Bbq?
I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness Doesn't Mean I'm a Bad Person!

I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness Doesn't Mean I'm a Bad Person!

¡¡No soy una villana!! ¡Solo porque pueda controlar la oscuridad, no significa que sea una mala persona! / Eu não sou uma vilã!! Só porque eu posso controlar a escuridão, não significa que eu sou uma pessoa ruim! / Watashi wa Akuyaku Reijou nanka ja nai!!: Yami Tsukai dakara tte Kanarazu shi mo Akuyaku da to Omouna yo / 人家才不是惡役千金呢! / 私は悪役令嬢なんかじゃないっ!! 闇使いだからって必ずしも悪役だと思うなよ
Otonashi Satsuki / Fujiwara Rika
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle

Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle

ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle
Rui karasuduki
Chapter 18
Sweet Bite Marks-Season 1

Sweet Bite Marks-Season 1

Rui Si - Yi Kai
Manhua,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Full Color
Chapter 14
Sweet Bite Marks-Season 3

Sweet Bite Marks-Season 3

Rui Si / Yikai
Manhua,Shoujo(G),Action,Drama,Historical,Psychological,Romance,Full Color
Mozart wa Komoriuta wo Utawanai

Mozart wa Komoriuta wo Utawanai

モーツァルトは子守唄を歌わない / Mozart Doesn't Sing Lullabies
Rui Arisugawa / Masahiro Mori / 森 雅弘
Kantai Collection -Kan Colle- Dengeki Comic Anthology: Sasebo Chinjufu-hen

Kantai Collection -Kan Colle- Dengeki Comic Anthology: Sasebo Chinjufu-hen

艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- 電撃コミックアンソロジー 佐世保鎮守府編 / Combined Fleet Girls Collection -Kan Colle- Dengeki Comic Anthology: Sasebo Naval District Version
Hiyohiyo / ひよひよ / Nylon / ナイロン / Dicca Suemitsu / すえみつ ぢっか / Dicca / Suemitsu Jikka / Kabocha / かぼちゃ / saxyun / Charlie Nishinaka / にしなか チャーリー / Yuusuke Shiba / シバ ユウスケ / Tasuke Sakura / 櫻 太助 / Baku Mikage / 御影 獏 / Shimesaba / シメサバ / Hiroji Mishima / みしま ひろじ / Pochi Yahiro / 八尋 ぽち / INUGOYA / Popochichi / ぽぽちち / Sumiya / スミヤ / furuike / Sumiya Akihiro / 住屋昭博 / Takashi Iwasaki / いわさき たかし / Haiji Nakasone / 中曽根 ハイジ / 木村 太熊 / Takuma Kimura / Tamura Mutou / 無糖 党 / Zuzu Kamiya / 神谷 ズズ / Mozu / もず / Peθ / Suzuka / undefined 鈴華 / Kenta Ishizaka / 石坂 ケンタ / Hijiri☆Tsukasa / undefined 聖☆司
Vol.02 Ch.016
WataMote - Since I'm a College Student, I'll Share a Room (Doujinshi)

WataMote - Since I'm a College Student, I'll Share a Room (Doujinshi)

Daigakusei Dashi Roomshare Suru (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omae ga Warui!) / 大学生だしルームシェアする (私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!)
nekomonido sanada
Doujinshi,Comedy,Slice of Life
How To Raise A Cross Dressing Master

How To Raise A Cross Dressing Master

How To Raise A Cross Dressing Master / 女装大佬养成记
Marui Maru
🇨🇳Webtoon,Full Color,Crossdressing
Vol.0 Ch.20
Tian Mei De Yao Hen

Tian Mei De Yao Hen

甜美的咬痕 / Sweet Bite
Rui Si / [Add] / Yi Kai
Vol.1 Chapter 19
The Embarrassing Daily Life of Hazu-kun and Kashii-san

The Embarrassing Daily Life of Hazu-kun and Kashii-san

akiba ruiki
Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life


洒涙雨 / Closing Day, Rakujitsu, The Voices of Cicadas, Semigoe, Chocolate Soldier, Laundream, Kuwazu Kirai, To Hate Without Trying, Haru no Arashi, Spring Storm, Te to Te wo Awasete, Together, Hand in Hand
RuTile / Hoko / ホコ
🇯🇵Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Oneechan no Imouto

Oneechan no Imouto

お姉ちゃんの妹 / I'm My Big Sister's Little Sister, Imouto-tachi
Afternoon / Rui Morita / 森田 るい
BanG Dream! - TIC TAC SICK (Doujinshi)

BanG Dream! - TIC TAC SICK (Doujinshi)

haruichi / sazanami complex (circle)
Chapter 0
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Crackship

Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Crackship

Motenai shi Katte ni Kuttsukeru / モテないし勝手にくっつける
Chapter 0
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Since I'm Not Popular, I'm In Crazy Lesbo Hell

Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Since I'm Not Popular, I'm In Crazy Lesbo Hell

Motenaishi, Gachirezu Jigoku / モテないし、ガチレズ地獄
ddt / dtt
Chapter 0
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Comic Tribute

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Comic Tribute

新世紀エヴァンゲリオン コミックトリビュート / Shinseiki Evangelion: Comic Tribute, Canine Evangelion, Evangelion: Shinji to Asuka to Atsui Hi
Yun Kouga / 高河 ゆん / Koushi Rikudou / 六道 神士 / Koshi Rikudo / Sessyu Takemura / 竹村 雪秀 / Jun Abe / 阿部 潤 / Tony Takezaki / たけざき トニー / Hideki Oowada / 大和田 秀樹 / Nawoki Karasawa / 唐沢 なをき / 唐沢直樹 / Rui Takatou / 高遠 るい / Hayato Aoki / 青木 ハヤト / Koutarou Yamada / 山田 孝太郎 / Youko Sanri / さんり ようこ / Terio Teri / てり てりお / Ran Igarashi / 五十嵐 藍 / IGATZ / イガッツ / Yushi Kawata / 河田 雄志 / Yukito / undefined 行徒 / Keiichi Tanaka / 田中 圭一 / Yukitoshi Nakamura / 仲村 ユキトシ
Songs to Make You Smile: Stories from the Creator of Fruits Basket

Songs to Make You Smile: Stories from the Creator of Fruits Basket

僕が唄うと君は笑うから / Boku ga Utau to Kimi wa Warau kara / Ding Dong, Voice of Mine, Double Flower, Hana wo Motsu Mono Otanoshimi Bangai-hen: Ankoku Hime, Because You Smile when I Sing
Hana to Yume / Natsuki Takaya / 高屋 奈月
Hypnosis Mic: Before The Battle - The Dirty Dawg

Hypnosis Mic: Before The Battle - The Dirty Dawg

ヒプノシスマイク -Before The Battle- The Dirty Dawg
Yuuichirou Momose / 百瀬 祐一郎 / Shounen Magazine Edge / Rui Karasuzuki / 鴉月 ルイ
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Become a Hero (Doujinshi)

Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Become a Hero (Doujinshi)

iwai no utage / utage no sakana (circle)
Chapter 0
Magical Girl Raising Project

Magical Girl Raising Project

魔法少女育成計画 / Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku / MahouIku
Asari Endou / 遠藤 浅蜊 / Maruino / マルイノ
Vol.02 Ch.016.1
Sweet Bite (Rui Si-Yi Kai)

Sweet Bite (Rui Si-Yi Kai)

甜美的咬痕 (Chinese), Vết Cắn Ngọt Ngào (Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt - TV)
Rui Si-Yi Kai

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