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Craft Game No Nouryoku De Isekai Kouryaku!!
Capture A Different World With The Power Of Craft Games! / Kurafutogēmu No Nōryoku De Isekai Kōryaku!!, / クラフトゲームの能力で異世界攻略!!,
Netoge no Yome ga Ninki Idol datta ken ~Cool-kei no kanojo wa genjitsu demo yome no tsumori de iru~
Netoge no Yome ga Ninki Idol datta ken ~Cool-kei no kanojo wa genjitsu demo yome no tsumori de iru~ / ネトゲの嫁が人気アイドルだった件~クール系の彼女は現実でも嫁のつもりでいる~ / My Wife in the Web Game Is a Popular Idol.
Aboun / mto
4134🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life,Adaptation
And you thought there is never a girl online?
ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った? / Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? / Netgame no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?
Hisasi / Neko wa Manma ga Utsukushii / ねこはまんまがうつくしい / Shibai Kineko / 聴猫 芝居
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?
ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った? / Netgame no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?, And you thought there is never a girl online?
Shibai Kineko / 聴猫 芝居 / Dengeki G's Comic / Kazui Ishigami / 石神 一威
Mai no Mushigurashi
Manga Club / Ame to Toge / 雨と棘 / 雨がっぱ少女群 / Amagappa Shoujogun / Amagappashoujogun
🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life
Otoge ni Trip shita Ore♂
乙ゲーにトリップした俺♂ / I ♂ Took A Trip to an Otome Game, Otome Game ni Trip shita Ore♂
Gene pixiv / Ikusa Kano / 花乃 軍
2🇯🇵Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Shounen ai
Horror Anthology Comic Shikaku
ホラーアンソロジーcomic 死角 / Horror Anthology Comic: Blindside
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Yousuke Takahashi / 高橋 葉介 / 高橋 庸介 / Kanako Inuki / 犬木 加奈子 / Hideshi Hino / 日野 日出志 / Noto Osada / 長田 ノオト / Ame to Toge / 雨と棘 / 雨がっぱ少女群 / Amagappa Shoujogun / Amagappashoujogun / Michiru Noroi / 呪 みちる
Today, We Continue Our Lives Together Under the Same Roof
Hari Ini, Kami Menjalani Hidup Kami Bersama di Bawah Satu Atap yang Sama / Kyou mo Hitotsu Yane no Shita / También hoy vivimos juntas en la misma casa / 今日も ひとつ屋根の下
inui ayu
11I ♂ Took A Trip To An Otome Game
Otoge ni Torippu shita Ore ♂ ,Otoge ni Trip shita Ore ♂ ,乙ゲーにトリップした俺♂
Ikusa Kano
I ♂ Tripped into an Otome Game
I ♂ Took A Trip to an Otome Game / Otoge ni Torippu shita Ore ♂ / Otoge ni Trip shita Ore ♂ / 乙ゲーにトリップした俺♂
Kano Ikusa
1🇯🇵Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Shounen ai,Game,Isekai
Bishoujo Ni Natta Kedo, Netoge Haijin Yattemasu
I've turned into a bishoujo, but I chose to be a net-game addict! / 美少女になったけど、ネトゲ廃人やってます
Hoshikuzu Ponpon / Mizuno Sen
Adult,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Isekai
I ♂ Tripped Into An Otome Game
I ♂ Took A Trip To An Otome Game / Otoge Ni Torippu Shita Ore ♂ / Otoge Ni Trip Shita Ore ♂ / 乙ゲーにトリップした俺♂
Kano Ikusa
Netoge no Seibetsu wa Daitai Mitame de Damasareru
Netoge no Seibetsu wa Daitai Mitame de Damasareru / ネトゲの性別はだいたい見た目で騙される / Gender Online Can Be Pretty Deceiving
Island Takarano
2🇯🇵Manga,Genderswap,Comedy,Adventure,School Life,Slice of Life,Game
Imprisoned with the Horror Game's Male Lead
Imprisoned with the Horror Game's Male Lead / 공포게임 남주와 감금당했다 / Confined Together with the Horror Game’s Male Lead
Flangby / Pinata
🇰🇷Webtoon,Historical,Romance,Comedy,Survival,Adventure,Video Games,Drama,Horror,Fantasy,Mystery,Adaptation,Full Color
Why Don't You Make the Twins Your "Girlfriend" Together?
Why Don't You Make the Twins Your "Girlfriend" Together? / 双子まとめて『カノジョ』にしない? / Futago Matomete "Kanojo" ni Shinai?
Shirai Muku / Ameiro Miso
🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,Drama,School Life,Slice of Life,Adaptation
I ♂ Tripped into an Otome Game
Otoge ni Torippu shita Ore ♂ / Otoge ni Trip shita Ore ♂ / 乙ゲーにトリップした俺♂ / I ♂ Took A Trip to an Otome Game
ikusa kano
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Harem,Adventure,Fantasy,Slice of Life,Isekai
Bishoujo ni Natta kedo, Netoge Haijin Yattemasu
I've turned into a bishoujo, but I chose to be an online games' addict! / 美少女になったけど、ネトゲ廃人やってます。
Hoshikuzu Ponpon / Izumino Sen
I've Turned Into a Bishoujo, but I Chose to Be a Net-Game Addict!
Bishoujo ni Natta kedo, Netoge Haijin Yattemasu / 美少女になったけど、ネトゲ廃人やってます
ponpon hoshikuzu / mizuno sen
Adventure,Fantasy,Magic,Gender Bender
Totsuzen Imouto Ni Natta Doukyuusei To Doukyo Suru Koto Ni Natta Hanashi
突然妹になった同級生と同居することになった話 / Totsuzen imouto ni natta doukyuusei to doukyo suru koto ni natta hanashi / A Story about Living Together with a Classmate Who Suddenly Became My Younger Sister
Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Akete Mo Kurete Mo: Zoku - Itsuka Koi Ni Naru Made
Amémonos hasta el amanecerLet’s be together - Night and Day (French)จากรุ่งสางสู่สนธยา -ภาคต่อ จนกว่าเราจะตกหลุมรัก-无论黎明或是黄昏明けても暮れても -続 いつか恋になるまで-明けても暮れても ―続 いつか恋になるまで―無論黎明或是黃昏날이 밝아도 밤이 되어도
Kurahashi Tomo
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