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Red River
天は赤い河のほとり / Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori / Anatolia Story, Heaven by the Red River, Orontes Renka, Orontes Love Song, Where the Sky and the Red River meet
Sho-Comi / Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
2🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Supernatural,Time Travel
My Three Thousand Years To The Sky
Lian qi Lianle Sanqiannian / Menyempurnakan Qi selama 3000 tahun / Qi Refinement for 3,000 Years / 炼气练了三千年
Ciwei Mao Yuedu
13251Manhua,Action,Fantasy,Full Color,Harem
Wagamama Oujo ni Tsukaeta Bannoushitsuji, Tonari no Teikoku de Saikyou no Gunjin ni Nariagari Musousuru
Wagamama Oujo ni Tsukaeta Bannoushitsuji, Tonari no Teikoku de Saikyou no Gunjin ni Nariagari Musousuru / わがまま王女に仕えた万能執事、隣の帝国で最強の軍人に成り上がり無双する / The Versatile Butler Who Served a Selfish Princess Will Become a Peerless Upstart Soldier in the Neighbouring Empire
Skyfarm / Reega
Ariadne in the blue sky.
蒼穹のアリアドネ / Soukyuu no Ariadne
Shounen Sunday / Norihiro Yagi / 八木 教広
Point Gifter Keikenchi Bunpai Nouryokusha no Isekai Saikyou Solo Life
Point Gifter Keikenchi Bunpai Nouryokusha no Isekai Saikyou Solo Life / ポイントギフター《経験値分配能力者》の異世界最強ソロライフ / Pointogifutaa “keiken-chi bunpai nouryoku-sha” no i sekai saikyou soro raifu / Experience Distribution Ability; Solo Life of the Strongest Point Gifter in a different world
Hino Akira / Itou Souichi / Tsukumo Nishiki / Skyfarm
Ore dake fuguu Skill no isekai shoukan hangyakuki - Saijaku Skill 'Kyuushuu' ga subete o nomikomu made
Ore dake fuguu Skill no isekai shoukan hangyakuki - Saijaku Skill 'Kyuushuu' ga subete o nomikomu made / 俺だけ不遇スキルの異世界召喚叛逆記~最弱スキル【吸収】が全てを飲み込むまで~ / I'm the only one with unfavorable skills, Isekai Summoning Rebellion / I'm the Only One with a Failure of a Skill in Another World's Summoning Rebellion — Until the Weakest Skill [Absorption] Swallows Everything
Skyfarm / 高幡隆盛
Ramune Bannouyaku
ラムネ万能薬 松月滉短編集 / Matsuzuki Kou Tanpenshuu, The Anthology of Kou Matsuzaki, Ramume Omnipotent Medicine, Ahiru Kakumei, Ahiru Revolution, Ake no Sora no Shita de, Under the Scarlet Sky, Orange Tenshi, The Orange Angel
Hana to Yume / Kou Matsuzuki / 松月 滉
Hoshizora no Karasu
星空のカラス / Crow in the Starry Sky
Hana to Yume / Satoshi Morie / モリエ サトシ
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Game,Drama,Traditional Games,Slice of Life
Hiten no Asuka: Isekai no Shoujo ni Saikyou Hougu Ataeta Kekka
緋天のアスカ ~異世界の少女に最強宝具与えた結果~ / Asuka of the Scarlet Sky: The Female Hero who Degraded to a Licentious and Wicked Person
Kouta Amana / 天那 光汰 / 天那 コータ / 218 / Kalavinka
Ichiban Chikakute, Tooi Futari
いちばん近くて、とおいふたり / Ichiban Chikakute, Tooi Futari, Himawari Saita, Closer, yet Further Apart than Anyone, Futari, Sora no Shita de, The Two of Us, Together Under the Sky, Sonna Futari no Konna Nichijou, Osananajimi to Yobanaide!
Shisei Kuromasa / 黒柾 志西 / Benjamin / ベンジャミン / Credit / Niji Cache / Comic Yuri Hime S
Soukuu no Maou Rudel
蒼空の魔王ルーデル / Rudel, Demon King of the Blue Sky
Naruki Nagakawa / 永川 成基 / Makoto Katayama / かたやま まこと / 片山 誠 / Web Comic Gamma
Two of Hearts
手をつないで、空を / Te wo Tsunaide, Sora wo / Hand in Hand, Gazing Up at the Sky, Two of Hearts, Kiss me, Daddy, Make Me Happy, Walkin' on the Moon, Fade, Closed, Echo Night, Secret
Kano Miyamoto / 宮本 佳野 / Curve / Super Beboy Comics
The Depth of the Sky
塀の中の美容室 / Hei no Naka no Biyoushitsu / Beauty Salon in Prison
Big Comic / Maruko Kohinata / 小日向 まるこ / Mina Sakurai / 桜井 美奈
Studio Men
STUDIO MEN / Witches Fly Through the Sky on Brooms, Majo wa Houki de Sora wo Tobu, En wa Inamono Aji na Mono, Fate Has A Strange, Strange Taste
Souichirou Yamamoto / 山本 崇一朗 / Kijouyu Udon / 生醤油うどん / Daichi Matsuse / マツセ ダイチ
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Finder Series
ファインダーシリーズ / Finder no Hyouteki, Finder no Ori, Finder no Sekiyoku, Love Prize, Love Surprise, Target in the Finder, One Wing, Baked Sweet Glasses, Risky Society - God Bless My Justice, Love Lesson, Koi wo Suru Shokubutsu, You're My Loveprize in Viewfinder
Ayano Yamane / やまね あやの / Be x Boy GOLD
Kuuchuu Teien
空中庭園 / Garden in the Sky, Floating Garden
Homerun Ken / undefined ホームラン・拳 / Comic Magazine LYNX
1🇯🇵Historical,Shounen ai
Birikketsu no Mahou
びりっけつの魔法 / Imperfect Love Spell, Yowareru Karada, Doukashiteiru!, The Power of Pants, You're Still Standing at the Same Place, Looking at the Same Sky
Magazine Be x Boy / Kumiko Suekane / スエカネ クミコ / Ryou Mutobe
Sora Tobi Tamashii
五十嵐大介作品集 そらトびタマシイ / Soratobi Tamashii, Spirits Flying in The Sky, The Spirit of the Sky Builder, Ubusuna, Kuma Koroshi Kami Nusumi Tarou no Namida, Suna-kake, le pain et le chat, Imada Fuyu, Birthgrounds, Covered in sand, The bread and the cat, Still winter
Afternoon / Daisuke Igarashi / 五十嵐 大介
Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo
空の青さを知る人よ / The Person Who Knows How Blue the Sky Is, Her Blue Sky
Yaeko Ninagawa / 蜷川 ヤエコ / Comic Newtype
Center of the Sky
空のまんなか / Sora no Mannaka / Sora no Mannaka ~Spring Storm~, Sora no Mannaka ~Autumn Drama~
Ribon Magazine / Yoko Kamura
Lo-Fi After School
ローファイ・アフタースクール ~五十嵐藍短編集~ / Igarashi Ran Tanpenshuu, Girlfriend in the Sky, Ankoku-san, Kamisama Gokko, Kami-sama Make-Believe, Downtown Train, Harumage., Ekstasis, Ao, After School Show
Ran Igarashi / 五十嵐 藍 / IGATZ / イガッツ / Aoharu
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
英雄伝説 空の軌跡SC / Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki SC
Shinki Kitsutsuki / 啄木鳥 しんき / Famitsu Comic Clear
Sora wo Daite Oyasumi
空をだいておやすみ / Embrace the Sky and Sleep
Craft / Kyuugou / 九號 / Kyugo / NINEKOKS
Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin
ねじ巻き精霊戦記 天鏡のアルデラミン / The Wind-Up Spirit Chronicle: Alderamin on the Sky
Dengeki Maoh / Bokuto Uno / 宇野 朴人 / Taiki Kawakami / 川上 泰樹
Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin
ねじ巻き精霊戦記 天鏡のアルデラミン / Alderamin on the Sky
Sanbasou / さんば挿 / Sanba Sou / Throttle/4 / チワワ丸 Chiwawamaru / Bokuto Uno / 宇野 朴人 / Ryuutetsu / 竜徹
As Long as the Sun Shines in the Sky
空に太陽がある限りっ。 / Sora ni Taiyou ga Aru Kagiri / As Long as the Sun Shines in the Sky, Sora ni Taiyou ga Arukagiri
Betsucomi / Miki Aihara / 相原 実貴
"Aoi" When Hikaru was on the earth
"葵" ヒカルが地球にいたころ…… / "Aoi" Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Ita Koro......
Mizuki Nomura / 野村 美月 / Gangan Online / CHuN / Friendly Sky / Friendly Land
Tonari de Hanasaku Oto ga Shita
隣で花さく音がした / I Heard the Sound of Flowers Blooming Next Door, Risky Risky!, Sayonara Akkun
gateau / Ayato Miyoshi / みよし あやと / 8go! / Miyoshi Aya
🇯🇵Shounen ai
Gundam Pilot Retsuden: Soukyuu no Yuusha-tachi
ガンダムパイロット列伝 蒼穹の勇者達 / Gundam Pilot Series of Biographies: The Brave Soldiers in the Sky
Hajime Yatate / 矢立 肇 / Yoshiyuki Tomino / 富野 由悠季 / 富野 喜幸 / Hajime Oki / 沖 一
Please Catch Me, When I Hear the Lark Singing.
ひばりが鳴いたらつかまえて / Hibari ga Naitara Tsukamaete / Catch Me When The Skylarks Sing
Comic fleur / Enu Endou / 円藤 エヌ
🇯🇵Shounen ai
The Sky Over My Spectacles
眼鏡越しの空は… / Meganegoshi no Sora wa... / Let's Fall in Love, Let's Meet at One O'Clock, Aishiteiru to Seijitsu ni Me de Katare
Magazine Be x Boy / Mio Tennouji / 天王寺 ミオ
Confession Under a Clear Sky
風と学とオーゾラと / 晴空下的告, Kaze to Manabu to Oozora to,Half of a Romance, The Girl of the Full Moon, A Smile Full of Feeling, Heading Towards Tomorrow!
Mika Matsuno
Strike Witches: The Sky that Connects Us
ストライクウィッチーズ キミとつながる空 / Strike Witches: Kimi to Tsunagaru Sora / Strike Witches 1.5
Humikane Shimada / 島田 フミカネ / Fumikane Shimada / NyanType / Shin Kyogoku / 京極 しん
Love Live! dj - Hoo wo Tsutau Namida ga Yozora no Hoshi ni Kawaru Toki.
Love Live! dj - 頬をつたう涙が夜空の星に変わる時。 / Love Live! dj - The Moment the Tears Running Down Your Cheek Turn into Stars in the Night Sky.
Cocoa Break / Ooshima Tomo / Sweet Pea