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Boku no Goshujinsama
僕のご主人さま / My Dear Master, The Age that is in Love, How to Train a Cat, The Young Master and Punishment, Together with a Wolf, Ballad of Spring Love, Gentle Palms, The Garden Where an Angel Lives
Bonta Ooki / おおき ぼん太
Palepoli / Secret Comics Japan
Usamaru Furuya / 古屋 兎丸 / Garo
Seitokaichou-sama no Pet
生徒会長様のペット / King's Slave, Seito Kaichou-sama no Pet, Tenohira no Ondo, Temperature of Palm
drap / Katsura Kojima / 児島 かつら
Kissing the Flower in Bloom
花とくちづけ / Hana to Kuchizuke / Flowers and Kisses
Samako Natsu / 七都 サマコ / Palcy
The Cutest Girl in School Might Like Me!
Gadis Paling Manis di Sekolah Mungkin Menyukaiku / Gakkou Ichi Kawaii Onna no Ko ga Ore no Koto Suki Kamoshirenai / 学校一可愛い女の子が俺のこと好きかもしれない
kasama sanshirou
Secret Comics Japan: Underground Comics Now
Editor Woman / Gedatsu Man / Heartless Bitch and Painful Love / Jr. / Mutant Hanako / Palepoli / Punctures / Swing Shell / The Life of Momongo
Ameya Normiza, Kikuchi Hironori, Tsuno Yuko, Yoshimoto Yoshimoto, Nananan Kiriko, Kago Shintaro, Aida Makoto, Tamaoki Benkyo, Furuya Usamaru / Mizuno Junko, Kikuchi Hironori, Tsuno Yuko, Yoshimoto Yoshimoto, Nananan Kiriko, Kago Shintaro, Aida Makoto, Tamaoki Benkyo, Furuya Usamaru