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Tensei Ryoushu no Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zensei no Kioku o Ikashite White ni Tsutometara, Yuunou na Jinzai ga Atsumari Sugimashita

Tensei Ryoushu no Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zensei no Kioku o Ikashite White ni Tsutometara, Yuunou na Jinzai ga Atsumari Sugimashita

Tensei Ryoushu no Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zensei no Kioku o Ikashite White ni Tsutometara, Yuunou na Jinzai ga Atsumari Sugimashita / Excellent development of reincarnated lords-When I tried to whiten by making use of the memory of the previous life, too many talented people gathered- / 転生領主の優良開拓~前世の記憶を生かしてホワイトに努めたら、有能な人材が集まりすぎました~
Susumu Sorano / rikko
Chapter 33
Teihen Boukensha Dakedo Mahou wo Kiwamete Miru Koto ni Shita: Munou Skill kara Kami Skill ni Shinka Shita "Mahou Souzou" to "Item Sakusei" de Musou Suru

Teihen Boukensha Dakedo Mahou wo Kiwamete Miru Koto ni Shita: Munou Skill kara Kami Skill ni Shinka Shita "Mahou Souzou" to "Item Sakusei" de Musou Suru

Teihen Boukensha Dakedo Mahou wo Kiwamete Miru Koto ni Shita: Munou Skill kara Kami Skill ni Shinka Shita "Mahou Souzou" to "Item Sakusei" de Musou Suru / 底辺冒険者だけど魔法を極めてみることにした ~無能スキルから神スキルに進化した【魔法創造】と【アイテム作成】で無双する / I'm a Low Rank Adventurer, but I Decided to Excel in Magic ~I'm Going to Use My "Magic Creation" and "Item Creation," Which Are Godly Skills That Were Once Useless, and Become Outmatched~
Aono Hakuto / Sakano Anri
Chapter 24.2
Dolls Frontline Comic anthology

Dolls Frontline Comic anthology

Girls' Frontline Comic anthology / ドールズフロントライン電撃コミックアンソロジー
excel / fuyubu banpaku / iapoc / ishizaka kenta / karutoma / ku-ba / mishima hiroji / nujima
Vol.04 Ch.023
Entangled With His Cold Excellency, the Scourge

Entangled With His Cold Excellency, the Scourge

chenguang xiwei / chen xuan
The Servant of the Ultimate Party

The Servant of the Ultimate Party

Dragon's Raid a Self-Styled Gofer Is Excellent in All Aspects / Saikyou Party no Zatsuyou-gakari / Saikyou Party no Zatsuyou-gakari ~Ossan wa, Muriyari Kyuuka wo Torasaretayou desu~ / The Servant of the Ultimate Party ~A Middle-Aged Man Forced to Take a Holiday~ / Слуга сильнейшей партии / Слуга сильнейшей партии — старик, вынужденный взять отпуск / 最強パーティーの雑用係 / 最強パーティーの雑用係 After Heroic Tale / 最強パーティーの雑用係~おっさんは、無理やり休暇を取らされたようです~ / 最强小队的杂役
peco / Satou Takafumi


Being true to yourself is hard but confessing your love to another is another thing. Growing up, Liam has mastered the arts of acting. Liam is great at anything he does and plays the Mr. Perfect role effortlessly…until he meets his new teacher. / Ser fiel a ti mismo es difícil, pero confesar tu amor a otra persona es algo muy diferente. Al crecer, Liam ha dominado las artes de la actuación. Liam es excelente en todo lo que hace y desempeña el papel de Mr. Perfecto sin esfuerzo... hasta que conoce a su nuevo maestro.
Shu / Seru
The Servant of the Ultimate Party ~An Old Man Forced to Take a Holiday~

The Servant of the Ultimate Party ~An Old Man Forced to Take a Holiday~

Saikyou Party no Zatsuyou-gakari ~Ossan wa / Muriyari Kyuuka wo Torasaretayou desu~ / Dragon's raid A Self styled gofer is Excellent in all respects
Chapter 6
Yuuryou Bukken Mou Dame Sou - Furo, Toilet to Tenshi wa Kyoudou desu

Yuuryou Bukken Mou Dame Sou - Furo, Toilet to Tenshi wa Kyoudou desu

Yuuryou Bukken Mou Dame Sou - Furo, Toilet to Tenshi wa Kyoudou desu / 優良物件もうダメ荘~風呂、トイレと天使は共同です~ / Excellent Property: This Dormitory Is Full of Losers ~Communal Toilets and Angels~ / 全員廢柴莊
Minazuki Suu
🇯🇵Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Chapter 4
Chikarawaza no Sister (R-18)

Chikarawaza no Sister (R-18)

Chikarawaza no Sister (R-18) / The Sister with Strength (R-18) / Forceful Sister (R-18) / The Sister Of Strength Feats (R-18) / La Hermana con una fuerza brutal (R-18) / 力技のシスター (R-18) / A irmã que excela força física (R-18) / Cô nữ tu cứng rắn (R-18) / 铁拳修女 (R-18)
Yamamoto Alfred
Chapter 40
Iranai Akuyaku Reijou, Waga Kuni De Hikitorimasu Wa Yuushuu Na Go-Reijoukata O Tsuihou Da Nante Orokana Mane, Kuni O Horoboshimashite Yo?

Iranai Akuyaku Reijou, Waga Kuni De Hikitorimasu Wa Yuushuu Na Go-Reijoukata O Tsuihou Da Nante Orokana Mane, Kuni O Horoboshimashite Yo?

要らない悪役令嬢、我が国で引き取りますわ 優秀なご令嬢方を追放だなんて愚かな真似、国を滅ぼしましてよ? / Our Country Takes in Unwanted Villainesses. Banishing All These Excellent Noble Girls Is an Act of Foolishness That Will Ruin Their Countries, You Know? / We’ll Take the Unwanted Villainesses, and We'll Take Them Back to Our Own Country.
Chapter 2.2
A Corporate Underling Who Excels at Work

A Corporate Underling Who Excels at Work

The Corporate Underdog Who Does Everything Right / 대기업 말단이 일을 잘함
Manhwa,Seinen(M),Drama,Slice of Life,Full Color,Office Workers
Chapter 14
Excel Saga

Excel Saga

Young King OURs / Koushi Rikudou / 六道 神士 / Koshi Rikudo
The Prime Minister's Secret Diplomacy

The Prime Minister's Secret Diplomacy

公使閣下の秘密外交 / Koushi Kakka no Himitsu Gaikou / The Secret Diplomacy of a Minister Excelency
Youka Nitta / 新田 祐克 / Nitta Yuuka / HertZ
Vol.01 Ch.006


Ji Woon Yoon / 윤 지운 / Yoon JiUn / Ji-Un / Yun Ji Un / JiWoon / Ji-Woon / Daiwon
🇰🇷Shoujo(G),Drama,Slice of Life
Vol.01 Ch.011

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