The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool "Asley" / Yuukyuu no Gusha Asley no, Kenja no Susume: to, Pochi no Daibouken / Вечно живущий дурень-мудрец «Азли» / 悠久の愚者アズリーの、賢者のすゝめ
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17 votes
Marks: 98 Reading , 0 Completed , 0 On hold , 2 Dropped , 0 Re-reading , 8 Plan to read
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Artists: Araki fuu
Genres: Action , Adventure , Comedy , Fantasy , Romance , School Life
Original language: Japanese
Official status: Ongoing
When he was young, he failed at the Magic Academy and was ridiculed by his classmates.
In order to get revenge on the people who made fun of him, he began researching magic and magical artifacts outside of the academy. However, by chance he discovered a mythological medicine, and with it he obtained an immortal body.
Before he realized it, 5000 years of research had passed and he had become an ancient magic user.
And thus, the people he was seeking revenge against were long gone. Losing his purpose in life, Asley went on a journey with his familiar, Pochi, to see how the world had changed after 5000 years.
After an unexpected turn of events helping many humans, he is now living at the magic academy.
Asley. A 5000 year old ancient magician who looks like a young man. How will he live his second life’s youth?

Russian / Русский
В молодости Азли потерпел неудачу в Волшебной Академии, после чего был высмеян людьми. Тогда бросив академию Азли решил занятся алхимией и случайно сделал эликсир бессмертия. Погрузившись в исследования Азли не заметил как прошло много времени.
После 5000 лет исследований он стал волшебником, но кое-что он упустил. Люди, которым он хотел отомстить, давно умерли. Потеряв свою цель, Азли решил отправиться в путешествие со своим другом Почи, чтобы посмотреть, как изменился мир спустя 5000 лет. Что же его ждёт впереди?!
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${localHistory_by_serial_item._text_epi} ${localHistory_by_serial_item._time_ago}
English Chapters (46 chs)
Multilingual Chapters (40 chs)
Chapters by source
Source Whale (#15139961 / 14 chs)
[Chapter 31 - Chapter 47] {Chapter 47 - 880 days ago}
${localHistory_by_source_items[15139961]._text_epi} ${localHistory_by_source_items[15139961]._time_ago}
Source Duck (#400005 / 38 chs)
[Vol.1 Ch.1 - Ch.10] {Vol.6 Ch.38 - 1470 days ago} Completed
${localHistory_by_source_items[400005]._text_epi} ${localHistory_by_source_items[400005]._time_ago}
Source Duck (#15120753 / 38 chs)
[Vol.1 Ch.1 - Vol.6 Ch.37] {Vol.6 Ch.0 - 1420 days ago}
${localHistory_by_source_items[15120753]._text_epi} ${localHistory_by_source_items[15120753]._time_ago}
Source Duck (#15120755 / 17 chs)
[Vol.1 Ch.1 - Vol.3 Ch.15] {Vol.3 Ch.0 - 1420 days ago}
${localHistory_by_source_items[15120755]._text_epi} ${localHistory_by_source_items[15120755]._time_ago}
Source Duck (#15120754 / 4 chs)
[Vol.1 Ch.0 - Vol.1 Ch.4] {Vol.1 Ch.4 - 1420 days ago}
${localHistory_by_source_items[15120754]._text_epi} ${localHistory_by_source_items[15120754]._time_ago}
Source Duck (#15120752 / 1 chs)
[Vol.1 Ch.1 - Vol.1 Ch.1] {Vol.1 Ch.1 - 1420 days ago}
${localHistory_by_source_items[15120752]._text_epi} ${localHistory_by_source_items[15120752]._time_ago}
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