A collection of stories:
1. **Ao no Rhapsodia** (蒼のラプソディア; *Rhapsodia in Blue*): There's a legend about a lost continent of gold and only one man has successfully made his way through the treacherous waters to that continent. The man entrusted the map to the lost continent to his daughter, Allegra Reese, making her the prime target for every pirate on Edythe Island.
2. **Beniiro Kyousoukyoku** (紅色狂詩曲; *Crimson Rhapsody*)
3. **Watashi no Suteki na Hito** (わたしのすてきなひと; *My Favorite Darling*)
4. **Ousama Game** (王様遊戯; *The King's Game*; *Ou-sama Game*): Nene, a young assassin girl, has orders to kill king Ruu, so she goes undercover as his maid. But things are not always what they seem, and this seemingly stupid king has his own agenda. So the story begins, with Nene on her mission, while the perverted King is out to hit on her.
5. **Natsu no Requiem** (夏のレクイエム; *Summer Requiem*)
金銀財宝が眠ると言われる幻の黄金大陸へ至る海路を示した“蒼の海図”。亡き父が遺したその海図を狙われ、海賊たちに追われ続ける少女・アレグラ=レイスは、ある日、危ないところを海賊の青年・クレインに救われて──!? 表題作等5編を収録☆ 心が躍るラブロマンス短編集!