In order to earn enough money for his sister, Henry set out to become an adventurer. Unfortunately, because his Disengage skill was considered useless and his stats were too low, many adventurers berated him and considered him incompetent. Even when he finally managed to join a party, he was quickly dismissed.
Out of desperation, Henry attempted a solo dive into a dungeon, and that was when he made a shocking discovery: Utilizing Disengage under specific circumstances would allow him to clip through walls.
Once he clipped through the walls, he was able to bypass the dungeon boss monster and receive the clear reward. Not only that, he was able to collect the one-time clear reward an infinite number of times!
By taking advantage of this loophole, Henry has the potential to grow at breakneck speeds!
-壁抜けバグ-でレアアイテムゲットしまくり、ステータス爆上げしまくり!! レアスキルで財宝とモンスター蠢く魅惑のダンジョンをガンガン踏破せよ!! 病弱な妹のためにお金を稼がなくてはいけない少年・アンリ。しかし、外れスキル-回避-しか持っていないせいで、パーティーのリーダー・ギジェルモから無能と蔑まれ荷物持ちをクビになってしまう。絶望の中、無謀にもソロでダンジョンに挑むアンリだったが、モンスターに襲われる中、-回避-スキルで壁をすり抜けられることに気が付き――!? -回避-スキルで初回しか手に入れられないレアアイテムを無限回収し、底辺から成り上がれ!!